After participating in last month challenge, I was excited when it came time for Bridget at Bake at 350 to unveil August's theme. Lemon or Lime. I was at work so sent an email to Mike telling him what the theme was for this month and all he wrote back was Kiwi Lime Sorbet. So I was like okay, is that a hint. He said that when he was younger there was this ice cream shop in town that use to make the best Kiwi Lime Sorbet. So picking this months recipe was easy!
Kiwi Lime Sorbet
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lime zest
10-12 ripe kiwis
juice of 2 limes
1/4 cup limoncello (optional)
Wash and dry the limes. Using a microplane grater, remove the zest from the limes until you have about 1 tablespoon of zest. Place water, zest and sugar into a small saucepan and boil gently for 10 minutes to reduce mixture and extract lime.
Peel the kiwis and remove the hard ends and even the whitish core, if desired.
Place kiwis in blender. Juice 1-2 limes and add to blender. There's plenty of lime flavor from the zest, so avoid the temptation to add a lot of juice. Pour in the reduced lime syrup and puree the mixture just until smooth. Pour into a sieve and gently filter out the lime zest and kiwi seeds. Pour this into ice bath and stir in 1/4 cup of limoncello Until blended.
Chill mixture in ice bath until less than 45F. Pour into ice cream maker and freezer according to your maker's instructions. Once chilled, remove from ice cream maker and place in a container to set in freezer.
My Review: The only problem I had was with the first step of boiling the water, sugar, and zest. Do not boil it for 10 minutes. What happens is that it because a hard syrup that sticks to the side of the pot and doesn't come out. So when I made it the second time, I just brought it up to a boil and then shut off the heat. At one point I though this recipe was cursed because when making it the second time we were have a bad thunderstorm and the power went out. I'm glad it only went out for a few seconds, because I think I would have started throwing kiwis around the kitchen in protest. But I was able to finish it with no other problems. If you like lime flavored things, you'll like this recipe. It was a little tart for me, but Mike loves lime flavored stuff so he really enjoyed it!
You know, I've never made anything with kiwis, but their seeds look so cool! I'll have to try this! Thanks for linking it up to Flavor of the Month!
I love sorbets! I tell myself they're 'diet food' so I can eat more. The green color of your sorbet is gorgeous!
Kiwi and lime.. what a great combination. This sounds so good!
When I see that, I think it is a shame that summer is leaving. That is perfect for a hot day to cool the throat and give one a sense of well being.
Looks good!
Your post totally reminded me of an old episode of Friends :) Monica made a Kiwi Lime Pie and gave Ross a sample and he had an allergic reaction to the kiwi.
Anywho, your sorbet looks so light and refreshing!
Great idea, I have never had sorbet, it's an interesting concoction. I love KIWIS!!!
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