Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Today is my baby's birthday and he is 5...where did the time go? WOW I just can't believe that he is 5 today. I am having a hard time with this because next thing I know he is going to off to college.

So today he is bringing cupcakes in to celebrate his birthday with his friends at school. I asked him what kind he wanted me to make and he said...chocolate cake...and he wanted it to be a Batman cupcake.

The cake recipe (
Devil's Food) and frosting recipe (Easy Vanilla Frosting) was easy to figure out but the decorating now that is a little bit trickier. Mostly because I waited to the last minute to figure out how to do this. Also we don't have a good party store in the area so I couldn't find any Batman party supplies.

It got me thinking of how I could make a batman symbol and this was the best I could come up with. First I found a stencil online and shrunk it down to cupcake size.

Then I traced it a bunch of times onto wax paper so I could get enough for the whole class.

Flipped the paper over and filled it with melted dark chocolate and waited for it to cool and harden.

I then colored the frosting yellow and put one symbol on each cupcake....I sort of want to put a chocolate outline on it but I am going to resist the urge because sometimes less is more and I don't want to mess up a good thing.

I think they came out great and I hope all the kids enjoy them!


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