Frozen Coffee Drink
Savory Sweet Life
1.5 cups of crushed iced
2-1 ounce shots of espresso *read below using coffee as a substitute
3/4 cup of milk
3 tbl. of sugar (more or less depending on preference)
*If you don’t have an espresso machine, use 3/4 cup of double strength (strong) coffee mixed with 1/2 cup of milk and increased crushed iced amount by 1/4 cup.
Blend all the ingredients except the whipped cream in a blender for 30-45 seconds. Pour into a tall glass and top off with whipped cream and garnish with chocolate syrup. Best served with a straw. Enjoy!
Review: OH MY GOODNESS!!! I have been making some double strength coffee in the morning so I can have iced coffee in the afternoons (one thing I have learned from reading all the recipes for iced coffee). I decided that yesterday I would try this recipe out instead of just having iced coffee. It came out perfect the first time I made it which was a relief since I tried a different one a couple of weeks ago and it was horrible. I really think the success was due to having the ice crushed before you put it in the blender or before you add the rest of the stuff. I can't wait to try it flavored next time.
I was actually thinking of making one myself and try to make it as healthy as possible! I'm gonna try this one! Thx =)