Sunday, December 20, 2009

December Cookie Recipe #2: Graham Cracker Yummies

Another cookie making memory was making these yummy "cookies" with my mom. They almost are more of a toffee crunch type cookie. Similar to the Dog Turds recipe, sometimes these cookies come out perfect and other times, like this year, not as great. Don't know why, but here is the recipe!

1 stick butter
1/2 c. brown sugar
1.5 sleeves graham crackers (left whole)
2 c. chocolate chips
1 c. chopped walnuts

- Heat oven to 375 degrees
- Line cookie sheet with foil and place graham crackers side-by-side on top of the foil
- In a saucepan, heat butter and brown sugar and let boil 3 minutes
- Pour liquid mixture over graham crackers (make sure to cover all crackers)
- Put in oven for 10 minutes
- Take out and immediately sprinkle chocolate chips on top
- Let the chips melt and spread the chocolate to cover over all crackers
- Sprinkle chopped nuts over the top
- Let chocolate harden
- Break up cookies and store in a container or Ziplock bag

Review: these happen to be one of my favorite Christmas cookies. I like the caramel/toffee crunch. The mixture has to be made just right or it alters the flavor of the cookie. You can vary the chopped nut on top, but I have found that walnuts are just the right compliment.

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