Friday, June 6, 2008

Michelle's June Recipe - Strawberry Bread

OK I have a confession to make...I am a big dork but an organized one. I have a folder in my favorite link page called "Recipes I want to try". I was saving a lot of links for recipes and my folder was getting so big I decided I need to organize them. Also this way when I was in the mood to try something new it was a really easy step to find something. Once I make a recipe from the folder if I like it I move it to another folder (labeled Food) or delete it if it turned out bad or not what I expected.

So this one was already in my RIWT folder for a while now and it was just right for this month's challenge. I wanted to bake on Wednesday because it was a cool day and not too hot in the house. I was happy when yesterday it was the same type of weather. After all in this area they are saying that Saturday to Wednesday it is going to be in the 90s...not baking weather for me at least.

I found this recipe on the blog called Joy of Baking. They actually have a whole page dedicated to strawberry recipes. There are a lot of other really good looking strawberry recipes on that page but this was the one that caught my eye a couple of month's ago...Strawberry Bread.

Please visit Joy of Baking's website for the recipe for their Strawberry Bread. Also visit it for a much better looking picture of the bread.

Review: Making the bread wasn't any harder then making any other type of fruit bread. The directions were easy to follow and the ingredients weren't hard to put together. I thought everything was going well and it smelled SOOOO good in the house from the bread baking. Until it came time to take it out of the oven. One hour went by and I put a toothpick into the middle of the bread...came out clean as a whistle and it felt firm to the touch. I turned it out onto a cooling rack and the very bottom looked raw. So I quickly put it back in the oven for about another 30 minutes probably because I kept checking it and it kept looking raw to me. Until I realized that all my strawberries sunk to the bottom of the bread and it was just the strawberries that were shiny and not the bread being raw. Overall the taste of the bread is wonderful. It reminded me of having popovers with strawberry jam at Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park (one of my absolute favorite places to be). I am not sure yet if I would make this again but if I do maybe I would make them into muffins instead.

There is another recipe on that website that I want to try which involves strawberries...Eton Mess...basically it is strawberries mixes with whipped cream and crushed up meringue cookies. This grosses Heidi out because she doesn't like whipped cream that much. I on the other hand love whipped cream and can eat it on it's own with some sprinkles (I used to do that as a kid when we ran out of ice cream to put under the whipped cream).

Update: USER ERROR big time I think...I don't think I put the right amount of flour into the bread. I am going to have to try this recipe again to make sure. The next time I have some strawberries in the house I am going to have to make this to make sure it was the flour thing and not something else.

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