Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Homemade Onion Rolls!!

I have been wanting to make more bread recently but didn't know what to make. It might be because the weather has been so nice and to me perfect bread baking temperatures. Or just the fact that I bought 10lb bag of King Arthur Flour at BJs. Then saw the post on Bakers' Banter on 6/20 about onion rolls.

Tomorrow we have a little thing for Jacob because it is the last day of gym and they do a show. The grandparents are all coming to see him run around like a mad man. So I figured these rolls would be perfect to serve with some cold cuts or a burger. I thought about it early enough that I was able to time it that when I needed to put them into to oven Jacob was taking his nap.

Here is a picture of them rising after I cut them into the rolls.

Half I left plain & the other half has the artisan seed mix on them.

Here is a close up of a bun with seeds.

Please visit the Baker's Banter blog for an even better step by step instructions on how to make these. I actually posted a comment on the blog about a question I had making them and they responded to it so fast.

Review: These rolls were so easy to make and oh my they smelled so good from the start. Since I am saving them for tomorrow I haven't tried one yet but once I do I will update my post. To be honest just from how easy they were to make I would do it again right now...even with 8 hot fresh rolls sitting on my counter.

Update: I had a piece of one last night and it was just like I imagined....super yummy! Why ever buy onions rolls from the store again!


  1. Michelle, glad you enjoyed the rolls. I agree - VERY tasty. And I'm pleased with how easy they are to shape, rolling them like a cinnamon bun... This is a definite keeper, eh? Thanks your your kind comments about our company - PJ Hamel, King Arthur Flour

  2. They look delicous! I will head over to that site and take a peek. I like simple and easy recipes. I am visiting your blog today via the foodie blog roll.
