Saturday, November 3, 2007

Running for a Good Cause

I wouldn't normally post something like this on our blog but it is for a really good cause and if my sister-in-law is going to run a marathon for it...then it must be very important. Below is the email she wrote to all of us:

Hello friends and family,
Sorry for the mass email to those of you I haven't spoken to in forever. Hope you are all doing well this weekend and feeling in a generous spirit since I'm about to hit you up for money once again. This time it is a double cause. First off, I'm actually signed up, officially registered and semi-officially training to run the Boston Marathon on April 21, 2008. For those of you who are thinking "What? How did she possibly qualify for the Boston Marathon the 'world's oldest marathon' and some may say the most prestigious?"

I didn't. That leads me to the second cause. I am doing this strictly to raise money for Casa Myrna Vazquez, where I have been a full-time advocate in the Adolescent Transitional Living Program for over two years. I have pledged to raise over $3,500 and am appealing to all of you that love and support me so, so much to help me in this journey. This money will go directly towards improving services provided to women and children staying in Casa Myrna shelters or utilizing community based legal, mental health or emergency hotline services. If you would like success stories, just ask; I have many accounts of how Casa Myrna has improved the lives of women and children in need.

Show your support in two ways:
1) Visit my personal high-tech fundraising page at to donate or donate directly to (click "online donations and payments" in the upper right-hand corner and type "Sara Stolfi Marathon" in the comments box while making a donation). Either way is quick and easy; firstgiving takes out a service charge, but you can leave me a personal message which is nice.

2) Spread the word on my crazy quest to run the Boston Marathon for Casa Myrna Vazquez to anyone and everyone who would be willing to donate.

Thank you for your time and hopefully your monetary support. Your donations are motivation for me to actually keep up with my training schedule. Take care.


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